Nice song 最美好时光

A nice song, by 宇恒,幸雁,戴丽金 and William. I searched this song, but very hard to search. And finally found it, but in .flv format.

最美好时光 – 宇恒+幸雁+戴丽金+William

If you like it, you can download. Do you know the trick to download?

And if you want to convert to mp3, you can use FormatFactory. And just convert the .flv file to mp3, it is okay.

Pazera Free Audio Extractor is also another good choice.



Long time ago, when I was reading the bible (Chinese version, Studium Biblicum), there was a commentary in Genesis 1:26-28, which explains about the human.

人相似天主是按灵魂说的相似天主有理智、意志和记忆。[Studium Biblicum commentary Gen 1:26-28]

Translated to English (by me): “Man is similar to God, is according to the soul which is similar to God, who has rational thinking, mind, and memory.”

Therefore, recently I searched from the internet about the “rational thinking, mind, and memory”. Then I found that, actually these three attributes are “memory, understanding, and will”. They are the faculties of a soul, according to St Augustine of Hippo.

Tieba Comic Download

I have written a commandline using python, which can download the comic in “”.

Because I can find the updated comic in “tieba”. But I prefer to use my own comic viewer to read the comic images. However, the image files in “tieba” are not named in sequence. So, if I want to save the images, I need to download the image 1 by 1 and rename them 1 by 1 in sequence. That is a repetitive and boring task.

So, the commandline I wrote, will download all the images in a tieba link, and rename all the images in sequence.

If you are interested, you can try it here.