When we lose faith

As a Christian, I always think about the meaning of life. The meaning of life means the reason of living and the purpose to live. Even some Christians, they will relate everything with a meaning.  That means, whatever incident is happened, there is a reason behind, the incident is happened with a purpose. If a person broke a vase, there is also a meaning, may be the vase must be broken. If a person woke up late, may be this is the reason that he could avoid from an accident.

Then, when do we lose faith? For a person believes that every incident happened with a purpose, if a great tragedy happened unexpectedly, without any reason, not understandable, without purpose, the outcome is only difficulty, despair, and sorrowfulness, then this is the time when he might lose his faith. Joseph the Patriarch might lose faith when he was betrayed by his own brothers and sold to Egypt. Job might lose faith when all his children die.

But those who endure and wait until the end of these trials, surely will gain their faith.

Arch Linux Ristretto show thumbnail freeze problem

After I tried to enable show thumbnail in ristretto (image viewer), the application freeze. Whatever image I open with ristretto, all will freeze. To solve this, remove ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ristretto.xml, logout, and login. The application will not freeze anymore. But I don’t try to enable the thumbnail after this.