DirectShow experience

[Posted 18/7/2007 in

After a long time doing about DirectShow, finally I can grasp what is going on in DirectShow.

For me, the purpose of DirectShow is to get the multimedia input then display the output, eg: *.avi file and video capture device such as webcam. And everything is dealt with “filter” (Please read the documentation for detailed information). And the filters are written in COM (Component Object Module).

To deal with DirectShow, you must download DirectX 9 SDK from MSDN, or download Windows Platform SDK from MSDN, because the DirectShow SDK has removed from DirectX newer SDK. I suggest DirectX 9 SDK, but I don’t know whether one can download it or not.

Because I started the DirectShow with zero knowledge about the COM, it is very very hard to understand the example of the coding. Therefore, one should read the documentation of DirectShow and try some simple examples in the SDK. For learning, trial and error is a very effective method.

GraphEdit.exe is the program you must try first, because this will determine how your algorithm will go.

First of all, remember to use CoInitialize() or CoInitializeEx() (for _WINNT=0400) for COM, and remember to include “atlbase.h” header file.

There are 2 ways for writing the coding about COM. One is using “template”, however I am not familiar with it. But actually they are same, only in different form of expression.

The basic thing we need is IGraphBuilder. All the filters will be added in this IGraphBuilder. Remember to use CoCreateInstance() to create IGraphBuilder. Mostly every filter will be created using CoCreateInstance().

After the IGraphBuilder is created, the filters need to be added in. Which filters you want to add depend on the purpose of your project. Please use GraphEdit.exe to simulate your algorithm first. Then declare your filter in IBaseFilter. This is important, because IGraphBuilder will only deal with IBaseFilter. Besides that, IBaseFilter allows you to enumerate the pin. Please declare/add a filter as a “source filter“, because without “source”, I think nothing can work.

The function of pins is to connect the filters. One filter can have several pins. There are two types of pins, input pin and output pin. Therefore, when two filters are connected, that means the output pin of A filter is connected with the input pin of the B filter. So that, the data will flow from A filter to B filter.

Because all filter are declared using IBaseFilter, the difference is the CLSID (I also don¡¯t know what is this, it is something about the COM). Please refer the documentation about CLSID for each filter. For example, the File Source (Async) Filter uses CLSID_AsyncReader.

After the declaration of IBaseFilter, then add it to the IGraphBuilder using AddFilter() function. However, if it deals with a specific file, then need to use AddSourceFilter(). Like what GraphEdit.exe does, the source file is important. Therefore, using AddSourceFilter() with the specific filename, then it is enough. Why is the file important? I think because DirectShow need to determine what type of file beforehand, then the connection of the filter can be determined.

After the source, you need to add in the other filters. For me, I will find the output pin of the filter first. Pin is very important thing. This is because just using the pin you can render the file already. To deal with the pin, one needs to use IPin interface. Then, use the functions from the documentation and DirectShow example from SDK, “GetUnconnectedPin()“, “GetPin()“, “GetInPin()“, “GetOutPin()” and else, modify it if you like. By using these functions (which I like them very much), you can find the pin of the filter.

After finding the output pin of the source filter, you can render it using render() of IGraphBuilder. What happened if render()? You can try to see it using GraphEdit.exe. But if you want to specify what you want to get from the source, then you will need to add in the filter you like. Therefore, add the filter that you want. Then find the input pin. Then, connect the output pin from the source filter and the input pin from your second filter. Remember to make sure both filters can be connected using GraphEdit.exe. Otherwise, there will be no output.

For me, I would always like to find the output pin only after the filter is connected. This is because, when using the filter like AVI Splitter Filter, if you use GraphEdit.exe, you will find that when you add in the filter, you cannot see any output pin. You can see the output pin only if when you connect the AVI Splitter Filter with the source filter. That is why I will find the output pin only after the filter is connected, or after the source file is determined.

After the second filter is added and connected, find the output pin. Then render() it. Because of DirectShow has “Intelligent Connect“, when you render() the pin, the filters will automatically added without your acknowledgement. Besides that, you can also just add in the other filters without any connection, then you render the output pin, the Intelligent Connection will help you to connect them. (Please read the documentation for detailed information). You can try Intelligent Connection using GraphEdit.exe.

Using GraphEdit.exe, you have filters, source, and connected. Then you would like to run the “run”. Then you click the “play” button at toolbar, then the video works. However, IGraphBuilder does not have any “run: function. Therefore, you need to query interface from other interface (this is a COM method). First, you need to declare IMediaControl. This is to control the media, provides run() function. Then, using QueryInterface() from IGraphBuilder, to query IMediaControl’s interface. QueryInterface() involves IID_IInterfaceName.

For me, query interface is to get the interface of another COM object. So that, IGraphBuilder can run() through IMediaControl. This is similar to the Sample Grabber Filter which query ISampleGrabber interface.

Finally, you can run() the stream using IMediaControl. But, please release() the filter before that. And remember to CoUninitialize() for the COM.

You might debug your program during the development. However, I found an “Error Protection” message that prevents me to debug especially after “render()”. This is because there are 3rd party DirectShow filter. For me, I got installed Nero 6. So, removing the filter by using DirectShow Filter Manager from, the debugging problem was fixed.

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What you would like to do after the file is split? Why you want to split the file? Because I need the audio stream while manipulating the video stream. To manipulate the video, that is to get the video buffer (data) and access the buffer, either modify it or copy it. For me, I use the buffer for OpenGL.

Because the stream (I mean the file data) is split into video and audio using AVI Splitter Filter, there are 2 output pins. You should use GraphEdit.exe to check which pin is video and which pin is audio. Using GetPin() function from the GrabBitmaps example of DirectShow SDK, you can get both pins. Both pins are needed because you would like the sound.

Next, you need to add in Sample Grabber Filter to grab the buffer from the output video pin. Thus, you add in the Sample Grabber Filter and then find the input pin as usual. However, you cannot connect the filter first. This is because you need to determine the Media Type of the input stream beforehand. To determine the media type, IBaseFilter cannot do it. Therefore, the filter needs to query interface from ISampleGrabber. So you need to query interface as usual. Then you can SetMediaType() using ISampleGrabber. You can use AM_MEDIA_TYPE variable for SetMediaType(). After SetMediaType(), you can connect the filter.

After the filter is connected, find the output pin. Then, again use AM_MEDIA_TYPE for another variable (remember, it is another variable, should not use the variable before, it might work with same variable, but the program might crash). This variable is used for GetConnectedMediaType(), (if both functions can use the same variable, why does it need 2 functions?).

You need a class that inherits ISampleGrabberCB. ISampleGrabberCB has BufferCB() method which is needed. Then, you need to modify the BufferCB() that the buffer can be copied to the public property (or variable), so that the buffer can be accessed publicly. (Please see the example of GrabBitmaps from SDK).

After GetConnectedMediaType(), you might need to SetSampleBuffer(), SetOneShot() and else. Then, SetCallback() is the important one. This function is used to call ISampleGrabber BufferCB() function. Then, from the ISampleGrabberCB object, you can access the buffer.

By doing these, you can access the buffer of the video file. If you copy the buffer for the OpenGL, you might no need the DirectShow video output. Therefore, you can add in a Null Renderer Filter. Then you render the output pin of the Sample Grabber Filter, it will connect to Null Renderer Filter so that you will not see any video. However, you can access the buffer and produce it in OpenGL.

Besides the Source File (Async) Filter, you can use the webcam as source filter. Therefore, use the FindCaptureDevice() function from PlayCap example from SDK, you can get the video capturing source.

Medical and fate

When I was taking care of my father in the hospital, I got some questions.

If the medical technology of today, can preserve a person from death, what will be going on? Are human beings really want to live as long as possible in this world?

If the medical technology of today, can preserve a person from dying, but because of carelessness of family members, nurses and doctors, a patient was died. What does it mean? Are we going to accuse the family members or nurses or doctors? I don’t think we should accuse them if the accident is really happened. Because what is happened, is happened. If we accuse someone can change the situation (I mean, the patient will resurrect), then we should accuse someone.

Even though the medical treatment is very good, someone is still dying, because of other factors. This is not what we can control now, or may be forever. The fate calls someone to leave, then someone must leave.

Musou Orochi: Lubu’s item 無雙大蛇:呂布道具

Finally, all the images in the gallery are opened. The most difficult image, should be the image that needs Lubu’s item. Because, Wu’s final chapter extra, the soldiers are too few. Even more, we need to use Lubu to kill 1000 men within 9 minutes. It is too difficult. Some people suggest use 2 players, the sum of both players killing number is 1000 can invoke the item. However, I think that the soldiers are too few, if 1 person play 2 players more, also trouble some. So, I use the other way, that is “save-load technique” (SL technique). Finally, almost finish using 9 minutes, I killed 1000 men.

Actually, if using SL technique, it is easy. The most important thing is patience. When we see a group of enemies in front, go to slash 2 or 3 times (you can also use charge attack), as far as possible before the enemies falling down and disappeared, immediately save-load, some enemies might still be there. The more you save-load, the more effective. Therefore, this can shorten the time to find the enemy. Even more, if the enemies are many, slash several times, can kill about 10. However, if you spend more time on a place, the enemies will become less and less. So, you still need to ride the horse to find the enemy. As a conclusion, I used this SL technique once, and get the item. But, my Lubu’s weapon element, there is a “thunder” which is level 10. I don’t know whether this affect the result or not.

AVG 8.0 review

Just installed AVG 8.0 recently. The interface has a great change. Besides that, a feature I like most, which AVG 7 doesn’t have, that is “Exceptions”. That is a feature, which you can add in the path or files, that you know there are threats, but you still want them remain in your computer.

This feature is very good. Because sometimes, I want to run a program, but AVG 7 Resident Shield will protect the computer to run the program. In order to continue running the program, I need to turn off Resident Shield. However, doing this is dangerous, because the whole Resident Shield is turned off. With this “exceptions” feature, Resident Shield is still running and protection is still going on, and I can run the program I want.

About the Anti-Spyware feature, I don’t have any comment. Because I also installed other spyware protection software.

Law of Attraction

My brother introduced a book to me, “The Secret” (by Rhonda Byrne). But I didn’t read the book.

The secret in the book is the “Law of Attraction“. And I searched through Wikipedia what is that Law of Attraction. Then I found that, the Law of Attraction is very familiar. Because, you ask, you believe, you work for it, and feel gratitude, then you will get it. Doesn’t the Law of Attraction just seems like “faith” that I know as a Christian?

Diencephalon 間腦

If I never heard it, I don’t know; if I never see it, I don’t believe.

My relative’s child, attended a course. That course can help the children to open their “diencephalon” (middle brain, or inter brain). Why open it? When the children are blindfolded, they still can “see”.
We asked the girl to demonstrate the ability: we blindfolded her. Then, put a lot of blue and read small balls inside a box. Then we asked her to take out all red balls. She could take them out. Not only that, we used a children book, which contains a lot of picture with english name, and randomly opened a page, put in front of her, she touched, and she knew what is the picture, even the colour. She was still blindfolded.

Too mysterious. Asked her how she knew, she said she can “see”. But, if we blocked her forehead and above her forehead, she said she “cannot see”.

Too mysterious, cannot understand. And they say the course is for children only. And I heard that, adults cannot open their “diencephalon” like children.

可以瀏覽/Can visit the official site:
官方網站Genius Mind Consultancy

(以上視頻我還沒看過/Above video I haven’t watched)

File Hosting

Recently, I found that Badongo is not like before. It has the CAPTCHA feature like other 1-click hosting website. So, I try to search for other alternatives.

And I found that, Windows Live SkyDrive offer 5G online file storage. Besides that, it can store personal files, share the files with friends, and also share the files publicly. Therefore, I think this is an alternative to share the file publicly. However, we need to sign up an account before using the service.

Microsoft ActiveSync error

Just try to connect my old Pocket PC (HP iPAQ rx3417) to the laptop using Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5, but pop up an error message:

Cannot verify the version of ActiveSync on your device. A program such as a firewall may be blocking a port ActiveSync uses to connect to the device, or you may need to upgrade to a more recent version of ActiveSync on the PC.

So, I turn off PCTools Firewall Pro, and restart, but still have the same error. So I try to reinstall ActiveSync with older version, 4.1, hope that the problem will be solved. But the problem still there, with a different message:

This version of Microsoft ActiveSync is not compatible with the mobile device. Please upgrade to the latest verison of ActiveSync and reconnect.

I think the problem might be caused by Nokia PC Suite, so I uninstall all the Nokia related software and driver. I also uninstall PCTools Firewall Pro, and restart the laptop several times. However, the problem is still not solved.

Finally, I install Microsoft ActiveSync 3.71, and the problem is solved. Even I install PCTools Firewall Pro and Nokia PC Suite again, there is no problem for the connection of the Pocket PC with the laptop.

And, I suspect that this problem is caused by Windows XP Service Pack 3.

You can download older version of MS ActiveSync from here.