Script to notify myself

Sharing a simple script I recently used. Because recent development, I need to run a build command which needs about 2-3 minutes. I run it in the background so that I can continue my other work.

But switching the window in order to check whether the build is completed, it is frustrating. To make it easy, I wrote the following script,


notify-send -t 1500 -i applications-utilities "$@"
aplay /usr/share/orage/sounds/Knock.wav &> /dev/null

notify-send comes from the libnotify package. By running this command, you will see a popup notification on your desktop.

/usr/share/orage/sounds/Knock.wav comes from orage package. I just simply searched for a wave file that sounds good to me.

So, once I run the command such as,

build_my_project && /path/to/script/

Once the project is built, my desktop will notify me with popup notification and play a sound.